Auke Bay Neighborhood Meeting Follow-Up

 Below is an email received from Allison Eddins of Juneau Community Development. As a note, when these meetings with the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association are set they will be announced here. Notes from the December 6th meeting are available on the Documents and Resources page under the Auke Bay Policy section.

I just heard from an Auke Bay resident who attended the neighborhood meeting that she did not receive the email that I sent out on December 12th. I apologize to those of you who did not receive it. The email mentions the Auke Bay Sub-Committee meeting that is happening tomorrow. I’m sorry to those of you just getting this email today. But do not fret! Tomorrow’s meeting will a short one where I will  re-cap the neighborhood meeting for the Sub-Committee. I will also be recommending to the Sub-Committee that before any more work is done, I need to meet with the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association. This will give me the opportunity to have in-depth conversations with you and your neighbors. My plan is to start having these more intimate discussions in January 2019. In the meantime, please submit any comments that you have to me. All comments will be reviewed and discussed at a future Auke Bay Sub-Committee meeting. Also, feel free to call me or email me if you have any questions. Below is the original email.

You are receiving this email because you attended the December 6th Auke Bay neighborhood meeting. Thank you! There were over 70 attendees. The meeting notes and the presentation are attached. If you would like to submit comments, please do so. It is beneficial if your comment explains why you think a certain way; whether you are in favor of the proposed zoning changes, against the proposed changes, neutral or feel that you need more information to make a decision. If we don’t know the “why”, we cannot address the concern. 

The next Auke Bay Planning Commission Sub-Committee meeting will be December 20th at 12pm in the 4th floor conference room in the Marine View Building downtown (230 S. Franklin). The Sub-Committee meetings are public meetings and you are welcome to attend. These are working sessions so public comment is not taken during the meeting. However, all written comments that are sent to me on or before December 17th will be sent to the Sub-Committee members prior to the meeting and may be discussed at the meeting. 

At the beginning of the meeting last week, I mentioned that it would be a success if you felt like you were well informed and that your input matters. I hope that both are true, and I look forward to continuing to work with the Auke Bay community on this effort. 

Allison Eddins | Planner II
Community Development Department │ City & Borough of Juneau, AK
Location: 230 S. Franklin Street, 4th Floor Marine View Building
Office: 907.586.0758

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