Auke Lake Trail Dog Free?

CBJ Parks and Recreation is discussing a proposal to designate at least one trail in Juneau as a “no-dog” trail and the Auke Lake Trail as been mentioned as a possibility.

This topic will be discussed at tonights Parks and Recreation meeting at 6:00pm, CBJ Assembly Chambers.

As an Auke Bay resident, how do you feel on the topic?

7 Replies to “Auke Lake Trail Dog Free?”

  1. Many dogs and their owners enjoy Auke Lake Trail. Fred Felkle clears the trail every morning of dog feces and trash so that has not seemed to be an issue. It is a trail that is accessible to seniors to walk their dogs. To eliminate dogs from the trail would diminish the enjoyment of a large segment of the population of Auke Bay.

  2. Mr. Rutecki is incorrect to state that the Auke Lake Trail was “dog free” at one time. I live on the lake and have been using it with my dogs since 1973 (in the early 80’s I identified the eagle nesting tree (nest is long gone) that the USF&WS marked and is now part of the Trail education system.) When the CBJ teamed with UAS to raise funds for the new trail there was a rumor that the trail would be dog free. The fund raising committee co-chair, Romer Derr, was assured that not only would the trail be dog friendly, but that leashes wouldn’t be required. Along with other who supported the project (mainly because we walk with dogs) my wife and I donated $500 to the project. Even though the City has never supplied dog poop bags at the trailhead (just an empty dispenser) it is one of the cleanest trails in town and one where folks will even pick up after the few thoughtless users who don’t scoop.

  3. Barbara, George and others- be sure to write Parks and Recreation at: to voice your opinion on the matter. I did today and heard back from them that it was received. They are just starting to discuss so it’s important they know how residents who use the trail the most feel about the issue of closing off to dogs.

  4. While I’m not a dog owner, I would rather keep Auke Lake Trail open to dog walkers who leash and clean up after their animals. For the most part, this trail’s users have demonstrated a respect for their neighbors and fellow trail users, and it feels really inconsiderate to and counterproductive to bar them from bringing their dogs on this trail. There are many trails in Juneau but few in the Auke Bay area that are not steep and/or otherwise challenging. I think if a dog-free trail is to be designated, choose one in the Mendenhall Valley population center, where there are several popular trails with similar profiles and accessibility to choose from, such as the River Trail and the Airport Trail.

  5. We walk our dog in that trail and it is one of our favorites. Other dog walkers help supply bags (in the bag dispenser) and people seem to be respectful about cleaning up and using leashes if their dog warrants a leash. Maybe we could consider a non- neighborhood trail (something out out the road?) for a non-dog trail.

  6. Parks and REC has not posted the minutes yet from their April 3, 2018 meeting but email them to me. If you would like a copy please email me at and I’d be happy to send you a copy. There was more discussion on the topic with other locations cited/suggested w/out any real conclusion to the topic.

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