Planning Commission Public Meeting on Implementation of Auke Bay Area Plan-Rescheduled.

Join the rescheduled Planning Commission committee of the whole meeting on December 15, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. – Meeting will be held via. Zoom webinar.

The Planning Commission is hosting a public meeting to discuss the implementation of the Auke Bay Area Plan, including new zoning and land uses. Public testimony will be taken at the meeting. Written comments submitted to by noon, December 14, will be sent to Commissioners to review in preparation for the meeting.

This virtual meeting will be held by video and telephonic participation only. To join the webinar, visit The Webinar ID is: 952 1496 4747. To join by telephone, call: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 and enter the Webinar ID.

To read the Auke Bay Area Plan, adopted by the CJB Assembly on 3/16/15, or the proposed zoning district and overlay district regulations, visit:

For questions or comments, contact Allison Eddins, CDD Planner, at (907) 586-0758 or

Planning Commission Public Meeting on Implementation of Auke Bay Area Plan

Join a Planning Commission committee of the whole meeting on November 17, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. – Meeting will be held via. Zoom webinar.

The Planning Commission is hosting a public meeting to discuss the implementation of the Auke Bay Area Plan, including new zoning and land uses. Public testimony will be taken at the meeting. Written comments submitted to by noon, November 16, will be sent to Commissioners to review in preparation for the meeting.

This virtual meeting will be held by video and telephonic participation only. To join the webinar, visit The Webinar ID is: 924 3262 4648. To join by telephone, call: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 and enter the Webinar ID.

To read the Auke Bay Area Plan, adopted by the CJB Assembly on 3/16/15, or the proposed zoning district and overlay district regulations, visit:

For questions or comments, contact Allison Eddins, CDD Planner, at (907) 586-0758 or

March 24th Public Hearing Canceled

 The CBJ Assembly passed Resolution 2883, cancelling non-essential public meetings and limiting agenda items for essential meetings. The public hearing on the proposed Auke Bay rezone that was scheduled for March 24th  is considered non-essential and is being postponed until further notice. The Resolution states:

“The committees, boards, and commissions of the City and Borough of Juneau shall only hold meetings for essential agenda items. Nonessential agenda items must be delayed. Essential items can include time sensitive permit decisions, legislation, appropriation matters, continuity of operation matters, and public health matters. The chair of a committee, board, or commission has discretion to determine if a potential agenda item is essential or nonessential. Non-essential public meetings must be canceled. Public meetings with essential items in which public comment is required should allow for public comment by telephone. Meeting agendas should be evaluated one month at a time.”

Thank you to those who are already submitted written comments. If haven’t submitted comments yet but would like to do so, please email them to me. We are still taking comments. When meetings resume the comments will be complied and forwarded on to the Planning Commission for consideration. We value your individual contributions that have been made throughout this process and we wish you all the best as we work together to keep all Juneau residents safe. CBJ staff will advise you when our public processes can to return to “business as usual”. In the meantime, please stay home and stay safe. Up-to-date information on CBJ’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found HERE. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me.

Allison Eddins | Planner II
Community Development Department │ City & Borough of Juneau, AK
Location:230 S. Franklin Street, 4th Floor Marine View Building
Office: 907.586.0758

Meetings on Proposed Auke Bay Rezone

The Planning Commission will hold two public meetings to discuss the proposed regulations for two new zoning districts, and the proposed Auke Bay rezone overlay district. Both meetings will at 5:00 p.m. in CBJ Assembly Chambers.

  • Tuesday, March 10: Commission’s work session and presentation; public testimony will not be taken at this meeting.
  • Tuesday, March 24: Public testimony on proposed zoning districts and proposed Auke Bay rezone and overlay district.

For questions or comments, contact Allison Eddins, CDD Planner at (907) 586-0758 or

Feb. 6th Planning Commission Ad Hoc Meeting in Auke Bay

The message below was provided by Allison Eddins of the Community Development Department:

map of proposed rezone

You are receiving this email because you have expressed interested in the proposed re-zone and overly district in the Auke Bay “center” or because you have attended a 2019 neighborhood meeting on the topic. I know it has been a while since our last meeting but we now have a draft ordinance (PDF) for two new zoning district and an Auke Bay Overlay District. The Auke Bay Ad Hoc Committee will hold a meeting Thursday, February 6th at 6pm in the UAS Rec Center at 12300 Mendenhall Loop Road. They will review the draft ordinance and boundary map.

These are public meetings and you are welcome and encouraged to attend, however these are working meetings, and no public comment will be taken during the meeting. I encourage you to submit written comments to me by Tuesday, February 4th. Please review the documents and let me know if you have any questions. After the meeting on February 6th I will send a follow up email detailing decisions that were made at the meeting and outline the next steps in the public process.

Allison Eddins | Planner II
Community Development Department │ City & Borough of Juneau, AK
Location: 230 S. Franklin Street, 4th Floor Marine View Building
Office: 907.586.0758

Meeting Slides from April 10th & April 17 Ad-Hoc Meeting

Conceptual subdivision and access to CBJ property, see page 6-7 of meeting slides.

For last weeks meeting slides please view the documents page or directly download the Meeting Slides (PDF). This meeting covered access, traffic and parking in Auke Bay. Areas of concern voiced by those in attendance had largely to do with the Auke Bay Subdivision Conceptual access road layout (page 6-7) of document above (and shown on this page). Concerns voiced had to due with size, location of collector roads and impacts this would have on Glacier Highway.

The Auke Bay Ad Hoc Committee will meet at UAS Rec Center (Rm 106) at 6pm on Wednesday, April 17, 2019. The Committee will discuss what we have heard from you and your neighbors regarding the proposed density and height regulations. Just a reminder, that these committee meetings are work sessions so no public comment will be taken during the meeting.

If you would like to provide written comment, please email Allison Eddins @

Remaining Auke Bay Policy Meetings Set

So as to plan ahead, the following dates/times for the remaining Auke Bay Policy meetings have been set. Topics are included when provided. These dates/times are also included on the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association Calendar. REC Center/National Guard Armory is located at 12300 Mendenhall Loop Rd.

  • 3/13/19: Rec Center/National Guard Armory, room 116, 7:00pm-8:30pm. Topics include the proposed density and height regulations, as well as view shed protection.
  • 4/10/19: Egan Lecture Hall, Rm 112, 7:00pm-8:30pm (location change due to conflict at REC Center)
  • 5/8/19: Rec Center/National Guard Armory, room 116, 7:00pm-8:30pm
  • 5/29/19: Rec Center/National Guard Armory, room 116, 7:00pm-8:30pm
  • 6/19/19: REC Center/National Guard Armory, room 116, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Update: Since this post CBJ’s Community Development Department has set topics for the meeting above, they are:

  • April 10: Access, Traffic, and Parking
  • May 8: Setbacks, Buffers, Vegetative Cover & Lot Coverage
  • May 29: Building Design Standards & Site Features
  • June 19: Using the Bonuses in the Overlay District

Neighborhood Meeting, March 13, 7:00pm-8:30pm

The Planning Commission’s Auke Bay Implementation Committee, along with CBJ’s Community Development Department, is in the process of crafting new zoning regulations for Auke Bay in an effort to implement the vision and goals of the Auke Bay Area Plan. The community is invited to learn about the existing density and height allowances and how it compares to what is being proposed.

Join the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association and Community Development on March 13th from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm at the UAS Recreation Center and Army National Guard Armory (12300 Mendenhall Loop Road). This is our third meeting in a series of meetings on proposed zoning changes for Auke Bay.

If you are not able to attend this meeting but have questions or comments, please contact Allison Eddins, CCD Planner at 907.586.0758 .

Neighborhood Meeting, Jan. 16, 7pm-9pm

A sub-committee of the Planning Commission has been working with Community Development to draft new zoning regulations for Auke Bay. At the last neighborhood meeting in December Community Development presented the proposed regulations.

Community Development and the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association believes it would be helpful to have a discussion about the existing zoning in Auke Bay. Specifically, what it allows, what it doesn’t allow and how the proposed zoning differs from the existing zoning.

Join the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association and Community Development on January 16th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the UAS Recreation Center and Army National Guard Armory (12300 Mendenhall Loop Road).

If you have questions please reach out to Allison Eddins, CCD Planner at 907.586.0758 .

Auke Bay Neighborhood Meeting Follow-Up

 Below is an email received from Allison Eddins of Juneau Community Development. As a note, when these meetings with the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association are set they will be announced here. Notes from the December 6th meeting are available on the Documents and Resources page under the Auke Bay Policy section.

I just heard from an Auke Bay resident who attended the neighborhood meeting that she did not receive the email that I sent out on December 12th. I apologize to those of you who did not receive it. The email mentions the Auke Bay Sub-Committee meeting that is happening tomorrow. I’m sorry to those of you just getting this email today. But do not fret! Tomorrow’s meeting will a short one where I will  re-cap the neighborhood meeting for the Sub-Committee. I will also be recommending to the Sub-Committee that before any more work is done, I need to meet with the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association. This will give me the opportunity to have in-depth conversations with you and your neighbors. My plan is to start having these more intimate discussions in January 2019. In the meantime, please submit any comments that you have to me. All comments will be reviewed and discussed at a future Auke Bay Sub-Committee meeting. Also, feel free to call me or email me if you have any questions. Below is the original email.

You are receiving this email because you attended the December 6th Auke Bay neighborhood meeting. Thank you! There were over 70 attendees. The meeting notes and the presentation are attached. If you would like to submit comments, please do so. It is beneficial if your comment explains why you think a certain way; whether you are in favor of the proposed zoning changes, against the proposed changes, neutral or feel that you need more information to make a decision. If we don’t know the “why”, we cannot address the concern. 

The next Auke Bay Planning Commission Sub-Committee meeting will be December 20th at 12pm in the 4th floor conference room in the Marine View Building downtown (230 S. Franklin). The Sub-Committee meetings are public meetings and you are welcome to attend. These are working sessions so public comment is not taken during the meeting. However, all written comments that are sent to me on or before December 17th will be sent to the Sub-Committee members prior to the meeting and may be discussed at the meeting. 

At the beginning of the meeting last week, I mentioned that it would be a success if you felt like you were well informed and that your input matters. I hope that both are true, and I look forward to continuing to work with the Auke Bay community on this effort. 

Allison Eddins | Planner II
Community Development Department │ City & Borough of Juneau, AK
Location: 230 S. Franklin Street, 4th Floor Marine View Building
Office: 907.586.0758