Feb. 6th Planning Commission Ad Hoc Meeting in Auke Bay

The message below was provided by Allison Eddins of the Community Development Department:

map of proposed rezone

You are receiving this email because you have expressed interested in the proposed re-zone and overly district in the Auke Bay “center” or because you have attended a 2019 neighborhood meeting on the topic. I know it has been a while since our last meeting but we now have a draft ordinance (PDF) for two new zoning district and an Auke Bay Overlay District. The Auke Bay Ad Hoc Committee will hold a meeting Thursday, February 6th at 6pm in the UAS Rec Center at 12300 Mendenhall Loop Road. They will review the draft ordinance and boundary map.

These are public meetings and you are welcome and encouraged to attend, however these are working meetings, and no public comment will be taken during the meeting. I encourage you to submit written comments to me by Tuesday, February 4th. Please review the documents and let me know if you have any questions. After the meeting on February 6th I will send a follow up email detailing decisions that were made at the meeting and outline the next steps in the public process.

Allison Eddins | Planner II
Community Development Department │ City & Borough of Juneau, AK
Location: 230 S. Franklin Street, 4th Floor Marine View Building
Office: 907.586.0758

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