Invitation to Comment

Location in Auke Bay of proposed Brewery & Tasting Room. Select to enlarge.

An application has been submitted for consideration and public hearing by the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit for a brewery & tasting room located at 11798 Glacier Highway in a General Commercial zone.

This invitation was mailed to residents that are within 500 feet of the subject parcels.

  • Now through 12pm on Friday, March 8 comments received during this period will be sent to the Planner, Laurel Bruggeman, to be included in the staff report.
  • March 4, 2019: Staff report expected to be posted online. Find hearing results, meeting minutes and more here as well.
  • March 12, 2019 at 7pm: You may testify and bring up to 2 pages of written material (15 copies) in City Hall’s Assembly Chambers, 155 S. Seward St., Juneau.
  • March 13, 2018: The results of the hearing will be posted online.

Case No. : USE2019 0004
Parcel No.: 4B2801030091
CBJ Parcel Viewer: http://epv.juneau.orgI

Phone: (907) 586-0715, Email:
Mail: Community Development, 155 S. Seward St., Juneau AK 99801.

2 Replies to “Invitation to Comment”

  1. My questions to the Planner and Planning Commission:
    Is legal drinking age in Alaska still 21? What percentage of university students are of drinking age? Why would you put a tasting room for alcoholic beverage so near to the University? Are you hoping/helping these young people break the law? What will you do to prevent this?
    Why create this Temptation for students who are here presumably to study and further their education, and for Mariners who are but a few feet from the launch ramp to imbibe in alcoholic beverage and become distracted and distorted from their righteous purpose? Please explain.

    1. Tori,
      This blog is not likely read by the planner of Planning Commission. If you would like to comment to them specifically, be sure to use the contact methods provided.

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