A Zone Change Application has been submitted for consideration and public hearing by the Planning Commission for a zone upgrade from DI (T) D3 to D3 at 12400 & 12410 Glacier Highway. This invitation was mailed to residents that are within 500 feet of the subject parcels. This Invitation was received today (5/29/24).
- Now through June 3
Comments received during this period will be sent to the Planner, Ilsa Lund, to be included as an attachment in the staff report. - June 4 -noon, June 21
Comments received during this period will be sent to the Planning Commissioners to read in preparation for the hearing. - Hearing Date & Time: 7:00pm, June 25, 2024: This meeting will be held in person and by remote participation. For remote participation: join the Webinar by visiting http://juneau.zoom.us/j/83127986319 and use the Webinar ID: 831 2798 6319 OR join by telephone, calling: 1-253-215-8782 and ener the Webinar ID (above). You may also participate in person in City Hall Assembly Chambers, 155 Heritage Way, Juneau, Alaska
- June 26: The results of the hearing will be posted online.
Case No. : AME2024 0001
Parcel No.: 4B2301080010 & 4B2301080020
CBJ Parcel Viewer: http://epv.juneau.org
Comments are to be sent to (forget to include in original post above):
Phone: (907) 586-0715, Email: pc_comments@juneau.org
Mail: Community Development, 155 S. Seward St., Juneau AK 99801.
Where is the required CBJ zoning change red and white sign posted? Does Mr Duran get preferential treatment? Please do not go forward with this hearing until guidelines by the applicant are completed.
Additionally, any development in this area would require disturbing a salmon stream (starting close to Spaulding Meadows and ending at salt water) for sewer and water.
Please present to the public ALL the information before going forward with a zoning change hearing. Everyone should have access to information being considered by the planning commission before a hearing is held. Transparency is a must if CBJ wants the public to believe the institution has integrity and respects the process. Thank you
That information was an error, and my fault. We do need to keep an eye on Duran Construction however. The rezones are for smaller properties on the road. The city sent me information on Duran along with the information I received leading me to believe that he’d applied for rezone shortly after we did. My neighbor wishes to add another unit on his land, which I am in support of.