Neighborhood Assoc. Mtg on Cruise Ship Impacts

Sorry for the very late notice as we are just now confirming details on this meeting many of you may be interested in attending or providing feedback. On Wednesday, December 11, there will be a meeting to gather feedback from Juneau neighborhood associations regarding impacts to their neighborhoods created by the cruise ship industry. 

The meeting is open to all, and is from 5-6:30pm at the Andrew Hope Building, 320 West Willoughby Ave.  

Meeting sponsors suggest the following categories to consider for your feedback:

  1. Environmental
  2. Economic
  3. Community
  4. Other

If you can not make it in person considering this late notice but would like to send feedback, concerns, solutions, etc. to share during the meeting, please email it to by 12/11 at 4pm.  Below is more information on the focus of the meeting provide by the organizers of the meeting:

Purpose of the Meeting: 

  1. To provide the first-ever meeting of NA representatives to discuss positive & negative impacts of the growing cruise ship tourism industry, a subject common to all Juneau neighborhoods;
  2. To share what the Neighborhood representatives have heard from their members relative to specific impacts on their quality of life(however individually defined) and how important they feel this is for the Juneau community;
  3. To provide information to the CBJ Visitor Industry Task Force from the NA perspective.

Why Neighborhood Associations?

Neighborhood Associations were created by CBJ ordinance  Chapter.35. “Juneau’s Neighborhood Associations provide a direct and continuing means of citizen participation in local government decisions about neighborhoods through the use of neighborhood associations recognized as advisory to the municipal government.”  As such, they have standing.


While the focus of this meeting is on Neighborhood Associations, all Juneau individuals are invited to attend, listen, and will have an opportunity to provide comments.

The NA comments and comments from the listening public will be forwarded to the CBJ Tourism Industry Task Force that has been created to provide recommendations to the Assembly.

A detailed agenda will be provided at the meeting.

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