Neighborhood Meeting, Jan. 16, 7pm-9pm

A sub-committee of the Planning Commission has been working with Community Development to draft new zoning regulations for Auke Bay. At the last neighborhood meeting in December Community Development presented the proposed regulations.

Community Development and the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association believes it would be helpful to have a discussion about the existing zoning in Auke Bay. Specifically, what it allows, what it doesn’t allow and how the proposed zoning differs from the existing zoning.

Join the Auke Bay Neighborhood Association and Community Development on January 16th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the UAS Recreation Center and Army National Guard Armory (12300 Mendenhall Loop Road).

If you have questions please reach out to Allison Eddins, CCD Planner at 907.586.0758 .

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