Visitor Industry Task Force taking public comment Jan. 11 & 16

The following information release was provided by the City and Borough of Juneau and would be of interest to many Auke Bay residents and business owners. If you can not make it in person to the dates below, please let your voice be heard by emailing the City Clerk.

The Visitor Industry Task Force, an advisory committee to the Juneau Assembly, will be taking public testimony twice in January:

  • Saturday, January 11, in City Hall Assembly Chambers at 10 a.m.
  • Thursday, January 16, in City Hall Assembly Chambers at 5:30 p.m.

Individuals will be given 2 minutes to speak and are encouraged to submit written comments ahead of time to or at the meetings.

Outside of the public comment meetings in January, the public is welcome to submit comments to the task force any time by emailing All correspondences go to task force members and are also posted to the public comments section of the Visitor Industry Task Force webpage. The webpage also lists past and future meetings, documents and presentations provided to the task force, and its charging document. 

The task force was established by Mayor Beth Weldon on October 14. Its goal is to provide advice to the Assembly and to advance community thinking on a range of visitor industry topics, including management of the visitor industry, CBJ’s Long Range Waterfront Plan, the idea of restricting visitor numbers, and collecting public input.

The task force is scheduled to report its findings to the Assembly by February 29, 2020 and is set to expire April 2020 unless extended by the Assembly. Task force members are Assembly member Carole Triem (Chair), Assembly member Wade Bryson, Craig Dahl (Vice-Chair), Paula Terrel, Bobbie Meszaros, Holly Johnson, Alida Bus, Kirby Day, Meilani Schijvens, and Dan Blanchard.

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