Meeting on Dec. 6th for feedback on proposed zoning districts in Auke Bay

CBJ is crafting potential new zoning for Auke Bay in an effort to implement the vision and goals of the Auke Bay Area Plan. Contribute your thoughts and feedback on the proposed zoning on December 6.

Interested members of the public are invited to attend a meeting on December 6, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, at the UAS Recreation Center to learn about the proposed zoning districts, ask questions, and provide feedback. (see resources below).

The Planning Commission’s Auke Bay Implementation Committee is in the midst of drafting an ordinance to create new mixed use zoning in Auke Bay. These new concepts are intended to encourage the development of lively, mixed-use neighborhoods that are compact and walkable, and offer incentives and design standards to encourage developers to implement the vision of the Auke Bay Area Plan, adopted in 2015. The Plan was developed with input from many stakeholders in the Auke Bay area.

The proposed zoning strives to blend medium to high density residential with a mixture of retail, commercial, institutional, and entertainment uses that are physically and functionally integrated. The zoning creates cohesive neighborhoods and pedestrian-oriented buildings and infrastructure that encourage a small town center feel where people can live, work, visit, and play.

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